Dezvoltare armonioasă în limba germană.

Un mediu sigur pentru copii, cu accent pe comunicarea non-violentă.

Despre Kinderhouse

La Kinderhouse, copiii se dezvoltă armonios într-un mediu familial, punând accent pe comunicarea non-violentă și sprijinind învățarea limbii germane.

brown letters on table
brown letters on table

Experiență și pasiune

Servicii educaționale

Oferim un mediu sigur pentru dezvoltarea armonioasă a copiilor, în limba germană.

Comunicare non-violentă
A young child wearing a school uniform with a green-striped tie and a shirt marked 'KG' sits in an indoor environment with colorful backgrounds. The child has a playful expression, with one hand resting on a bright red toy.
A young child wearing a school uniform with a green-striped tie and a shirt marked 'KG' sits in an indoor environment with colorful backgrounds. The child has a playful expression, with one hand resting on a bright red toy.

Promovăm comunicarea non-violentă pentru o dezvoltare emoțională sănătoasă a copiilor.

A wooden structure stands on a cobblestone pavement with the text '4 Hochwertige Bildung' and an image of an open book and pencil stenciled on it.
A wooden structure stands on a cobblestone pavement with the text '4 Hochwertige Bildung' and an image of an open book and pencil stenciled on it.
A cozy bakery and café with signs written in German, featuring a Christmas cookie notice and an advertisement for light meals including schnitzel and salad for 15.00. The entrance is surrounded by greenery, including a large palm tree.
A cozy bakery and café with signs written in German, featuring a Christmas cookie notice and an advertisement for light meals including schnitzel and salad for 15.00. The entrance is surrounded by greenery, including a large palm tree.
Experiență internațională

Avem experiență în grădinițe și școli din România și Germania, asigurând educație de calitate.

Spații generoase și confortabile pentru joacă și învățare, amenajate special pentru copii.

Confortul copiilor
A wooden sign with colorful illustrations of children, trees, and a river, surrounded by lush green foliage. The sign features text in a foreign language and has a playful, cartoonish style.
A wooden sign with colorful illustrations of children, trees, and a river, surrounded by lush green foliage. The sign features text in a foreign language and has a playful, cartoonish style.


Imagini din activitățile noastre pentru dezvoltarea copiilor fericiți.

Graffiti on a stone wall reads 'WERDEN KINDER ZU ROBOTERN GEMACHT?' in red paint. Fallen leaves are scattered on the ground in front of the wall.
Graffiti on a stone wall reads 'WERDEN KINDER ZU ROBOTERN GEMACHT?' in red paint. Fallen leaves are scattered on the ground in front of the wall.
A blackboard menu with wooden frame displays a list of food items and their prices in German at an outdoor market. In the background, people are walking past various market stalls and food trucks under a sunny sky.
A blackboard menu with wooden frame displays a list of food items and their prices in German at an outdoor market. In the background, people are walking past various market stalls and food trucks under a sunny sky.
A child with glasses and a yellow shirt is holding a stuffed rabbit and standing next to a small, beige model car labeled 'Little BIG City Berlin' on a paved area in front of a building.
A child with glasses and a yellow shirt is holding a stuffed rabbit and standing next to a small, beige model car labeled 'Little BIG City Berlin' on a paved area in front of a building.

La Kinderhouse, copiii se dezvoltă armonios într-un mediu sigur, cu accent pe comunicarea non-violentă. Experiența noastră aduce bucurie și învățare prin joc.

A group of young children is seated on small stools outdoors in an alleyway, attentively engaged with an adult woman standing nearby who appears to be teaching or talking to them. The scene is surrounded by various elements such as potted plants, a water cooler, parked motorcycles, and an arrangement of colorful items in the background. The children are wearing matching uniforms with white shirts and dark overalls.
A group of young children is seated on small stools outdoors in an alleyway, attentively engaged with an adult woman standing nearby who appears to be teaching or talking to them. The scene is surrounded by various elements such as potted plants, a water cooler, parked motorcycles, and an arrangement of colorful items in the background. The children are wearing matching uniforms with white shirts and dark overalls.
